EMR/EHR Solutions
To satisfy the needs of the federal government's mandate for the medical industry to adopt electronic health records, we proudly offer EMR/EHR by Medical Arc, LLC. Residing as an Open Source software GPL product, there are no initial costs involved to your practice. Interfaced into our transcription package, "Medical Arc, LLC." electronic health record notes can be electronically inserted into this dynamic medical record keeping solution. Medical Arc, LLC. proudly delivers the requirements of the required "meaningful use" mandate by delivering the following features:
Multi-Clinic Capable.
Patient Scheduling and Encounter driven.
Document Management.
CPT, ICD9, & HCPCS fee coding.
HIPAA compliancy.
Free Upgrades.
Multi-insurance capable.
Integrated Practice Management.
Web Based.


Electronic Billing

Vitals tracking

CCHIT certified
Our References
Among our thousands of dictating physicians include many top practices, universities, medical centers, and hospitals.
If you would like us to supply some references please contact us at:
1-866-295-8583 or info@medicalarc.com
By using high quality service on Medical Arc, LLC. by Medical Arc, LLC, we will ensure that your facility has the premium service support for all of your IT requirements. This joint product solution, coupled with innovative support plans based on your clinic requirements, will deliver a host of benefits to your practice by eliminating patient paper record handling.
Costly in-house hardware and support costs are no longer necessary, while downtimes are minimized through automatic product updates at off practice times. Custom modification capability provides longevity and versatility to the system. Automated integration provides better efficiency for patient callbacks and scheduling, and faster turnaround time for billing.
If you would like to find out more about how EMR/EHR by Transcription Solutions will help your health care facility or organization comply with regulations quickly and efficiently Call us at 866-295-8583 to schedule a live 30-minute demo.